El dominio pone diver­sos equipamien­tos y facil­i­dades a su dis­posi­cion para que su estancia sea mas agrad­abe, ya sea si opta por el camp­ing o por la casa rural.

Bar with terrace

There is a cosy bar with a shad­ed ter­race, equipped with WIFI. Here you can get infor­ma­tion about the camp­site and sur­round­ings. It’s the cen­tre of the camp­site dur­ing the sum­mer activities.

For a small fee it is always pos­si­ble to play pool and table-foot­ball while enjoy­ing a drink or an ice cream from the bar.

San­i­tary amenities 

Domaine d’Es­per­basque is equipped with three san­i­tary blocks, two of which are acces­si­ble for dis­abled per­sons. All three blocks were ren­o­vat­ed between 2008 and 2012.

Two san­i­tary blocks are equipped with a wash­ing machine and a sew­er for chem­i­cal toilets.


Dur­ing the high sea­son, a local bak­ery arrives dai­ly at the camp­site with deli­cious crois­sants and an inter­est­ing vari­ety of bread. In the ear­ly and late sea­son you can enjoy Mar­i­an­ne’s home­made whole-wheat or raisin bread.

Food & Drinks

A few times a week dur­ing the sum­mer there is a pos­si­bil­i­ty of take­away meals, french fries or a piz­za. This will be announced in advance.

Dur­ing the ear­ly and late sea­son we reg­u­lar­ly orga­nize meals. 


To keep your gro­ceries cool, there is a pos­si­bil­i­ty of refreez­ing your freez­er blocks or to rent a refrig­er­a­tor for €42 per week.

Car­a­van Storage 

Would you like to come back next year and you think dri­ving with a car­a­van is no easy ride? Then you could store your car­a­van (or your camper, car, bike or..) under­cov­er at Domaine d’Esperbasque.

Only dur­ing the high sea­son would they be parked out­side. Please con­tact us for more information.